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LSSC History

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Title: Camp Leesburg
Description: The LSSC Leesburg campus was an Army Air Corps barracks and a German POW camp during World War II. In 1942, the United States Army established an army air base, which extended from the current campus site across nearby US Highway 441. Today's campus buildings sit where the base's barracks were const...
Title: College Planning Committee
Description: Lake-Sumter Junior College was formed in 1962 by the Florida Legislature following a concerted effort by the citizens of Lake County, Sumter County, and the Leesburg Chamber of Commerce to create an institution of higher education. A planning committee was formed to promote local support, headed by ...
Title: Florida Field Station
Description: The Leesburg Campus site was previously home to special project personnel of the Florida Field Station, a division of the Signal Corps Ground Signal Service, which activated the station on 24 March 1943 at Clermont, Florida. Its primary missions were to engage in field testing of newly developed rad...
Title: Johnson Junior College
Description: The Florida Legislature authorized Johnson Junior College as a result of the efforts of the citizens of Lake and Sumter counties. A lengthy study was undertaken to determine the need for a segregated college for African American students in central Florida. On January 1, 1962, Perman E. Williams was...
Title: LSSC Ephemera Collection
Description: Ephemera are items of collectible memorabilia, typically written or printed ones, that were originally expected to have only short-term usefulness or popularity. The LSSC Ephemera Collection is comprised of fliers, programs, and other items that were created for a single purpose.
Title: Photograph Collection
Description: The LSSC Photograph Collection contains photographs that document the history of Lake-Sumter State College. The photographs are indexed with identification of individuals, events and locations if available. New materials are added to this collection regularly.